Bullying Prevention / Unity Day
Unity Day, on October 19, is a time when people across the country wear orange as a show of support for students who have been bullied. Ellen DeGeneres wore orange on her TV show during last year’s Unity Day.
A month-long campaign to unite everyone to take on bullying. Every October, thousands of students, teachers, parents, and community members around the nation, and even the world, join in taking action. Plus, celebrate Unity Day, held the 3rd Wednesday, by wearing and sharing the color orange.
Youth can enter the Stop Bullying Video Challenge: Encourage the youth in your life to submit original PSAs, 30 to 60 seconds in length, that showcase ways they are taking action against bullying and promoting a culture of kindness and respect in their communities. The deadline for submission is October 14, and the top prize is $2,000. Full details about the contest, including submission guidelines and rules for eligibility are available at stopbullying.challenge.gov.
Red Ribbon Week (Drug and Alcohol Awareness)
https://www.redribbon.org/hs-fs/hubfs/2022 RR Theme Sign.png?width=450&name=2022%20RR%20Theme%20Sign.png
Alabama College Application Campaign
Free Application for Student Federal Aid (FAFSA)
Finanacial Aid application is now a high school requirement unless a waiver has been signed.
Students are missing out on billions of dollars in free money when they don’t fill out the form, which can also open the door for other kinds of scholarships and on campus work-study opportunities!