AHS bowling team's interest meeting will be held soon with tryouts being soon after. The interest meeting is Wednesday, September 28th, from 4:30-5:30pm at AMF Auburn Lanes. Tryouts will be held October 4th & 5th from 4:30-5:30pm at AMF Auburn Lanes. If you're interested, please fill out the online form here. You must have all the required forms by the ASAA on dragonflymax.com to participate. All the required forms anda current physical must be completed and submited prior to you trying out. Without all the forms and a current physical you cannot try out. The forms and physical are due by Friday, September 30th, 2022. You must provide your own transportation to and from tryouts. We hope to see you there!
AHS Bowling Team Tryouts are Being Held Soon
The AHS bowling team is holding there interest meeting and tryouts soon
